Collaborating with Caregivers
No family is automatically wired to manage a child with disabilities and the situation shakes the foundation of the family. In addition to the distress of a diagnosis, the family is forced to reckon and prepare for the cultural and financial repercussions as well. At SPASTN, we follow a Person And Family Centered Care [P&FCC] approach and we provide the families and most importantly the mother of the child with a seamless support system.
Our teachers and therapists consider themselves as extensions of the family while providing the primary caregiver with all the training required to care for their child.

Training Parents in Self-advocacy to enable them to break attitudinal, physical barriers.

Empowering parents with access to disability support schemes or other mechanisms.

Providing parents with the opportunity to be actively involved in assessment, intervention, learning and training of their disabled child.

For those parents who are from a disadvantage section of society, we provide social and financial resource support linkages.
Home-Based Program
Skills Training
Parent Interactions
Expert Support
Our Home-based program helps profoundly disabled children who due to practical socio-economic reasons and inaccessible public transport systems cannot go to a Centre/school for receiving services and training. Our team goes to their homes and works with parents and the children in their natural environment.
Skills training in carrying, lifting, transferring, feeding, behavior regulation and communication especially for children with Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual impairment, Multiple Disability, Autism and multisensory impairment.
Parent Meetings or Case Conferences to help parents have a dialogue with experts or other parents.
Expert Support from Medical Fraternity, Rehabilitation professionals, and other experts to give a better understanding of the disability, and help with managing behaviors, enhance activity participation and learn to advocate for their children.

Parent Stories
The motivation provided by the SPASTN team gave me the feeling of working with one big family
Mother of M. Kasim
ParentSPASTN is helping my son move towards his dream of joining the Indian Armed Forces
Mother of Ruthreash
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the services offered for children?
We offer a range of services and support programs for children with disabilities. From mobility training, gross and fine motor skills to special education for children between the ages of 0 to 13 years. Our senior program for young adults between 14 and 18 years of age offers pre-vocational training.
What is the admission process?
We follow an all-year admission system where children can be admitted any time of the year. Write to us with your admission requirements at thespasticssocietyoftamilnadu@gmail.com .
When does the academic year start?
SPATN accepts students throughout the Academic year from June to April.
What is the process for an outstation student to avail of therapy services?
SPASTN enrolls students for a short duration also. In case you wish to stay within SPASTN TARAMANI CAMPUS we provide subsidized stay in our Family Support Services.