For Today’s Children and Tomorrow’s Adults
Our Philosophy

Our Approach to Education
We teach skills that allow each student to succeed in real-life situations at home, school, work and in the community. Our functional academic and daily living skills have included transitional supports, shifting from preferred to non-preferred tasks, handling and working with money, following directions, awareness of safety, reading street signs and knowing who to approach if lost.

Personalised Education to suit every child

Non-Scholastic Activities such as dance, music and physical education

Therapy for children

Parent support at home
Curriculum Streams at SPASTN

Early Detection & Intervention

Functional & Open Basic Education

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and State Board

Skills Training
Success Stories

A Story of Determination Madhavi is the youngest child of a daily wage-earning couple. When Madhavi’s mother entered SPASTN two years ago, she was filled with anxious questions about why..

Together as a team Kanishka is a 4-year old living in Pulianthope, Tamilnadu. She has been coming to SPASTN’s community rehabilitation centre for two years. Her family – father is..
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the services offered for children?
We offer a range of services and support programs for children with disabilities. From mobility training, gross and fine motor skills to special education for children between the ages of 0 to 13 years. Our senior program for young adults between 14 and 18 years of age offers pre-vocational training.
What is the admission process?
We follow an all-year admission system where children can be admitted any time of the year. Write to us with your admission requirements at thespasticssocietyoftamilnadu@gmail.com .
When does the academic year start?
SPATN accepts students throughout the Academic year from June to April.
What is the process for an outstation student to avail of therapy services?
SPASTN enrolls students for a short duration also. In case you wish to stay within SPASTN TARAMANI CAMPUS we provide subsidized stay in our Family Support Services.