
Changing the perception

I am Jemmimah Rajesh, mother of an 11-year old son, Jabez who is autistic and Rufus who is 2-years old. With Jabez, it has been a huge learning curve every day for me, more so during the COVID lockdown. I discovered my son’s true potential during this period.

An incident at home made us realize how autistic children are aware of what is happening around them. When Jabez and his little brother got locked accidentally in a room, we had to break open the door. My worry that the kids would get hurt was sorted when I saw Jabez holding back his little brother away from the door! SPASTN helped us and Jabez through a journey of discovery; holding a pencil, writing and counting till 10, independent toilet training and more. We have together busted the myth around autistic children – that they lack adaptive response and executive functions.


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