Onward Training for 7 to 13-year olds

Personalised pedagogy to suit Individual Goals

We believe that a nurturing environment can foster better learning. In our effort to bring the right to education to the disabled, we have created an academic system at SPASTN that helps every child learn, at their own pace and ability. Our committed faculty have perfected a specially designed curriculum and adapted pedagogy to suit the learning goal of every child.

At SPASTN, children learn through the Functional Academics Approach that allows them to succeed in real-life situations at home, school, work and in the community.


Number of Children Included in Mainstream Programs

Pre-requisite concepts

Activities of daily living

Numeracy, Reading & Writing


Social & Emotional skills

Skill oriented activities

Art and craft


Sensory Integration


Curriculum Streams at SPASTN

0-6 years

Early Detection & Intervention

Children with disabilities are identified and assessed for further rehabilitation.
7-13 years

Functional & Open Basic Education

Samacheer Kalvi and an in-house curriculum with three levels mapped to Grade 1, Grades 4 to-6 and Grades 7 to 8.
14- 18 years

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and State Board

A choice between mainstreaming into state board schools or choosing the NIOS board to continue their studies.
14-18 years

Skills Training

Students in the age group 14+ are given basic skill training and 17+ are trained in vocations and supported employment.
What We Do

Our Services For Children

Early Detection

Early Intervention

Transition Planning

Vocational Training


Open up opportunities for the disabled. Apply to SPASTN